About Me
Jess Kent
Jess Kent - Life Coaching | Body Doubling

Originally from Brooklyn, NY, in my 20s I packed my little Geo Prizm with whatever would fit and sold or gave away the rest, and launched to have my big adventure. I lived in a few places. Today people ask me, “What brought you to Nebraska?!” To which I say, “Interstate 80.” 

The reality is that I spent several years dealing with bumps in my life that resulted in the need for change, and I cast about looking for a way to change my circumstances. The choices weren’t always the best, but they led me to where I am now, helping others. I don’t regret the choices that led me here, because I like who I am as a person, and here’s where I need to be. The experiences I’ve had help inform my strength, and I draw on that strength every day to meet my challenges. 

I’ve faced some big challenges and have come out on top. I’m a two-time cancer survivor, once in my childhood and once 25 years later. I’ve experienced multiple cancer scares since then as well. I’ve dealt with trauma from abusive situations. I’ve done the work to get through difficult interactions successfully, and found the strength to extricate myself from the toxic ones when it was necessary. I’ve drawn on the strength of my community to help me when needed, and I’ve been strong for others when they needed me in their community. Community is everything, and that’s part of what I’m doing here. I’m providing community for others, to help them find the strength and tools to meet their challenges.

A stage performer for many years, I have experience with scripted plays and improvisational comedy. I’ve been told I’m funny, and my occasional puns get appreciative groans. I write, and create art of various kinds. I’m most fulfilled when I’m putting something into the world to make it a little bit better, happier, and more livable.

I am a queer, neurodivergent, disabled, outspoken woman in a world that often makes it difficult to be those things. I am an ardent supporter of marginalized people of all walks of life, whether I have shared experience with them or I can only imagine the experiences they have. One of my goals is to extend my services most especially to the people who find that other services don’t meet their unique needs, from people who don’t understand or empathize with them. The people who feel alone in a crowd. I get that feeling, and I want to offer solidarity, understanding, empathy, and some help in navigating the world.

I began Doppelhanging (a term I coined for Body Doubling) in 2020, as a way of getting my projects done. I found that I could get a day’s worth of tasks done in a two hour sprint, just by accommodating the unique needs of my brain. The people I hosted had similar results, and it became a regular event. I began life coaching some time after that at the suggestion of my therapist and many friends whom I had helped over the years. I found myself laid off from my job of 18 years in a market that is not hospitable to job seekers. So I took one of the biggest steps of my life and opened my business. 

I’m here to help you. Take a look at my services and see if they might fit your needs. Send me a message. Let’s talk!

What is Executive Dysfunction?

Executive dysfunction is a term used to describe difficulties with executive function skills. While prevalent among people with ADHD, it can affect others as well.

Executive dysfunction isn’t just being forgetful or disorganized occasionally. It might be much harder to plan, organize, strategize, pay attention to details, and manage time, causing disruption to one’s ability complete even simple tasks. 

What is Body Doubling?

Body Doubling is a productivity technique that involves having another person nearby while you work on a task. Their presence is meant to keep you on task, focused, motivated, and accountable. This can be done in person or virtually. The technique is popular among people with ADHD, but can be useful for anyone.